
260620 VGDH Installation BLK

The Alone Togeth­er instal­la­tion, in sol­i­dar­i­ty with 70 mil­lion refugees, explored our sense of home and com­mu­ni­ty dur­ing the Covid lock down. Please browse through the book­let that lists the sub­mit­ted dolls’ hous­es with descrip­tions. Many thanks to all the participants.

The Giant Dolls’ House Project + Oxfam installation was part of London Festival of Architecture 2020 and Refugee Week

Kharkiv2024 03

Since the beginning of the war, the life of every person has undergone changes. My world, as it seemed to me then, was divided into two parts. One part remained above ground. There the sun was shining, it was raining, people were leaving the city and coming back (Anastasia 18, OM Beketov National UNiversity Kharkiv)